Monday 19 December 2011

NASA- tales at night

2:49 am
Design Studio

random notes float in and out all around you.
the music shivers with you at night
i cant feel my toes but i know the floor is ice cold yet the smell of fresh tea being made in a electric kettle is enough is charge you .
My laptop screen smiles back at me.
usd at night tells me stories to keep me warm
 bedtime tales you cant forget....
and they have been relived year after year
as if the darkness was an excuse to share secrets.

the broken tt table
our deep blue cardigan
they feel closer somehow
my lonely matress back home  has nothing but a memory to keep it warm
from my corner i can see the world at night
a space frame for a sky
 stars dangle from the ceiling

and right now i can hardly feel my fingers
still you know theres something special about this cold air
some invisible ghost that tells you your doing something big
an idea pushes you towards brilliance

random notes still float in and out ...
and the music shivers with you at night

architecture student