Saturday 3 December 2011

Chapter 2- Memory....



When I was five years old, I drew a picture, of a house.
My dad told me I was going to be an architect.

At five, my crayon drawing decided my career.

I drew pictures just like all the other little girls.

But my house wasn’t smiling…I thought it looked like it was.. amazed. or curious …
it was as if the picture was asking me
“ so this is how you decide?”

Funny , how I just ....always knew .
.... all i remember is all i have.
Date :unknown
Place: home

my memories are in patches……patches that cant be sown together because there is no needle and no thread… 

It was a Sunday.i know that for sure because everyone was home and that didnt happen often with me.
The aroma of cooked spice and oil had filed in from the kitchen and was slowly drifting out into the dining ..

i couldn't see my face in the mirror but i  remember brushing faster.

It was a typical day.i know that too..because I could predict every next move .. No surprises...not even in the headlines… people were killed at car crash ....some other people were murdered or kidnapped..a few random terrorist attacks...a very distant  relative passed away..we were the same blood but i didn't know him.. its almost funny how i didn't feel a thing….yet,very typical… .

But never get too comfortable with typical…because that’s when extraordinary decides to hit you like a bombshell.

6:25 pm
Train station

Sometimes yesterdays feel like tomorrows..and there are never any todays…because today happens and were rushing all the while.and it feels so easy to get lost in between…thats when we stop moving.

And somehow you know that your not supposed to stop..that you should keep running even though your exhausted. And tiered.

So why do we keep running. Why cant stop and just give up?

 Maybe its because we can see the big picture far ahead…because once your done growing up you realize that there is something bigger than you and me …something that we are supposed to know…something that we are here to find out…something so big that you can never wrap your arms around it…you have to see it from all sides to figure it out.

So that’s what we do…all the while…we try to figure things out

And fit yourself into this big puzzle the world turns into..thers so much happening and your this one insignificant piece..but you don’t want to be that you try to do something more meaningful… and somewhere in between that selfish path, you see something more …. you realize that its not the pieces that matter but the big picture…the big pictiure that the puzzle is made to create 

So whether I’m chasing trains,chasing deadlines or chasing time..its the big picture that im really chasing after……   Pointless.isn't it?

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