Thursday 1 December 2011

A letter A word

how powerful am i if i was just as little a as word..?

.. a sound from your mouth..and like a foreign language it can mean nothing to you

 without meaning it isn't worth much.and matter how much feeling it holds if you dont listen, its lost within the distant murmer of the world around you

and the world talks about you , all the time, thats the noise you hear !
but nothing really makes any sense. it seems as if we are playing this mindless game  for entertainment ,so you laugh ,and you cry ,and turn your saddest lines into your biggest jokes..and what really matters is hidden within the lies..those invisible words that you can hear but you cant see unless
you  close your eyes.

and a word is all you need.
for the million tales
the lies
the memories
that you cant understand
and you dont want to....

because if my invisible words can scream, i need very little to say a lot.....

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