Tuesday 8 May 2012


Falling for a facade is very different from falling for a building. What we see on the outside is very deceiving in many ways, but life is often nothing more than a masquerade ball, we love our veils, and we look at the world through those little holes for our eyes, the paper mask lending us this false feeling of security.

 Most of the time , people are scared .and by scared I don’t mean disturbed or threatened but the kind of rational fear that stops you from jumping off  a cliff. The kind of fear that helps you differentiate between right and wrong and helps you understand value… but sometimes, this same fear creeps gently into other places in our head, your so-called creative genius perhaps? And you can’t even hear his footsteps when suddenly you realize that he has been holding a cold sharp knife against your throat every step of the way, and he is doing so now.
To be careful or cautious? To be brave but not reckless?

 What stops us from opening up completely, why do we put up walls and pretend like they don’t exist? Everyone knows the answers to these questions because we have been living with them for quite sometime. Maybe acceptance is the first step but most of us have conveniently deceived our way into it.

 What if all this was just a game of self-deception and there really is no real truth in anything? all that we see around us can be subjected to change anytime.maybe that’s why we are constantly in search of something steady and stable to hold on to to from this whirlwind that life has turned into.

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