Thursday 19 April 2012

Secrets contd...

the rules we make up to protect ourselves sometimes imprison you and take you away from the people you love the most.The rules cant change the inevitable end, all they do is distance it...the rules may give you more time..but life catches up eventually.


Sometimes i wish there was this rule book that defines what is right and that when you are left alone at cross roads -someone tells you why. Maybe if we had a looking glass into the future ,we could decide on whom to trust and what rules are worth breaking.

Dylan and Dorothy were the talk of the town for as long as i can remember and I felt as disturbed as the third man in every gathering and  every single romance novel i despised could possibly be . I hated myself for being this person but instead of brooding I tried to force myself to hate her, finding faults that did not exist , making sly excuses to retrieve back into my shell . Sometimes i'd find myself a nice distraction for dinner and take immense joy in how we disturbed her piece of mind.But while we were up to to our little tricks, Dylan somehow remained completely oblivious .I found it strange sometimes that he could possibly be so obsessed and so uninterested in her at the same time.She choose to conveniently ignore his behavior to our advantage.

Slowly a party of three turned to a company of two, and the pages of my rule book fluttered in fear.

Our first few conversations centered teasingly around nothing important and any reference to Dylan was avoided.I was nauseated with myself after every meeting but could stop thinking about her.At the time i didn't know what this could possibly mean? I could constantly hear hear the rule book in my head , striking off one after the other.But i couldn't avoid her, her perfume haunted me..her smile lightened my heart and all was forgotten.

And we talked as lovers do, we walked miles across with no purpose and we argued fiercely for the joy of passion and we knew this wouldn't last , even if the rule book was burned.

Everything seemed perfect for the longest time until march 22nd. The first occasion we attended together since august.Dorothy was nervous that night , she kept fiddling with his fingers all the while and last night's guilt painted fear into her eyes.The Eyes that once made me go weak on the knees with nothing more than a wandering gaze were fixed on her platter, that remained untouched.

I still couldn't hold myself back from observing the color of her cheek,the  plumpness of her lips and the red silk on her bare shoulders. I wonder how many men noticed her that night, or whether they multiplied in my head.Either way Dylan seemed in complete peace with himself, His handsome face brooding with if he'd jumped out of a novel.

Throughout dinner Dylan continued brooding..perhaps he found the food distasteful.I was too obsessed with her at the time to even consider the possibly of him having found out the truth between us.Around two in the morning, the guests began to take leave .We were still at the table with drinks when suddenly Dylan got up with a start and left.I sat in surprise for sometime as Dorothy gazed after him.
Taking this as my cue, I jumped up and pulled her onto the dance floor...suddenly she smiled and the look of hidden terror vanished from her eyes .We swirled around as the handsome couple we were, and for once the honesty of our feeling got more attention that it deserved.What happened that night changed everything about the rest our lives for what seemed like an eternity.All little things like feeling and emotion were replaced by necessarily and life.

But at the time i had complete faith that despite the rulebook, we would be together.I was naive and i believed in things like love, trust and people.

That night i mistook Dylan political scheming for disinterest, Dorothy fear for the wrong reasons ....but most importantly  ,

 i forgot that not everyone has a rulebook.

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