Monday 5 November 2012


" are you okay ?"
the memories that kept revisiting me in my head, like a picture roll on fast forward, slowly faded away.
" yes, i'll be fine much longer ?"
I tried looking around only to notice the skies had changed color, the evening slowly drifted away, changing her gown for darker attire.And from this semi-darkness i looked down upon a million lights down below, a view of the entire village , their lights twinkled and mimicked those of the stars above us , engulfed in an equally unknown darkness.
"not much.You see that clearing over there"
 he said pointing towards complete darkness...maybe i'm growing blind as well.
" yes." i lied
"There is a smaller hut behind the trees.Some people who have been very anxious to meet you are waiting there."
The temperature had dropped and i could feel the cold air crawling up my body.The boy must have noticed , although he seemed very unaffected by all this change around him.

" Do believe in honesty ?"
" That is rather an odd question for a stranger , don't you think ?"
"Considering the circumstances, and the pending weight of matters we feel heavy upon our shoulders...i believe i can count on an odd sense of intimacy , and trust that grows from your conscience as well as your pity.I see that in your eyes.I used to know eyes like that."

The boy looked straight at him , out of sudden surprise and wonder.He had suddenly seen something more in this old man.It was almost as if, for the first time, he sensed a hint of life in him that he failed to see before.
The old are not dead, the old are not dying.In many ways they are far more alive than the young, only because they have lived.

The boy stopped a few steps in front of the hut .It was rather run down dwelling, made of bamboo and thatch , that surprisingly managed to withstand time.He turned.

I was scared.And i saw the same fear in his eyes.

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