Sunday 13 November 2011


....these are the rules i set for my self...the seed for my dreams to sprout....but the definition of "good" was laways vague...and sometimes you do not think to question...i now realize that experience teaches you in a way that words simply cannot...words are are pictures..they can shape your thoughts...but they can also lie...experience is handicapped in that manner ...what you experience becomes a part of an imprint on your soul...and lieing to yourself is often harder to do..



( a part of me is blinded somehow
i can only see what the rest of the world can
but you..i need your eyes to see the real world)

i would love to teach you
 to see the world
but i'm part blind

 i know your still growing
and even if you are part blind 
i can hear you in me
and i wish i could catch a glimpse
a little more than pictures painted by your words in my head
and climb higher
because i know you'd build your own steps 
so you can go anywhere 

and you will go places i have never been
or ever will be
and you will see things i could never see

 i'm still half blind....

but I can see darkness
and i build my empire within it...
as does everyone else
 these little windows in my fort
i cannot live without

i have a window for everyone
each opens into a different life
each vast and huge

but yours

your window is only a rathole 
small tiny insignificant 
outofplace opening
near the floor

 these other windows hold nothing i want to see
they live the same lives

and every other eternity at my fort

i'm at your window

your rathole

but i go on
i know
 that there is a another world out there
your empire
your kingdom
your insignificant rathole in my dark fortress
that threatens me
the only thing that disturbs my darkness
is your rathole

and i'm dying to know
i'm dying to see
what you can think up

because i know
even though you dont
that your mind is bigger than the world

and i'm dying to see something bigger

to live your stories

i crave for your eyes with an undying thrist 
i endure this false hope tearing at my flesh

but still....
i always listen ...

and pretend to not care
 nothing crumbles my fort
i'm still the blind queen

and your rathole
the world behind
never mattered 
not to my eyes......


This is a naration by an ordinary man who cannot understand
 a brilliant mind ..what more do they see,where their thoughts live in their mind,...sometimes he feels that they live in this secret world within their heads where possibilities and 
ideas are endless and beautiful ,but he is blind to this world...they can see things he cannot and this frustrates him hence he says that he is blind and this ordinary world he lives in 
is nothing more than darkness...yet it is only this darkness that he understands..only this darkness that welcomes him...he still listens to tales from this other world because he cant stop himself ,
no matter how he pretends to not care.
